Monday, August 6, 2007

After the rain...


Lin said...

WELCOME BACK!! I LOVE your photos!! What glorious flowers!

Carolyn said...

OMGosh! I gasped when I saw your first photo! And, LOL, I didn't stop gasping as I saw the rest. What beautiful, beautiful, photos! And those darlin' boots in the last photo . . . what a great idea! Love your creativity. I will sure be back to visit you, too! SO glad you came by today, and thanks so much for your glowing comments.
Have a great day! :-)

Betty Jo said...

I am such a fan of your gorgeous photography! The berries are exquisite. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Härliga nyduschade blommor och sedan det viktigaste .....gummistövlarna!!! lika snygga som mina fast mina är gröna :=) Kram